Monday, December 10, 2012

Soccer at any cost...

A few miles from the city center in Maputo, we find an area called White House.

Not because there is an imponent and important white building, just ruins of an old restaurant.

White House Team... that's how we call the kids soccer team that Church of Filadélfia have been helping out in this area, also as a church planting initiative.

The soccer field is a large area, surronding by poor houses, and lots of garbage.

Anyway, this is good enough for the "coach" to gather twice a day 2 groups of children who want to learn how to play good soccer and learn about the great stories the coach always have to tell.

Today, we had Saidate our coach to visit this team and to share with the group about dreams.

What are your dreams? - he ask. Become a soccer player... one says.  Being a coach... says another.

Then we ask about what is needed to achieve all of those dreams? And the answer is rigth there - Work... lots of work!

Week after week these kids learn how to play soccer, but they also learn about the values that will change their lives forever, that will help them to build better families, and a better comunity. Ultimately, they will learn how to know the God who loves them unconditionaly. That's why we invest our time doing this.

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