Saturday, February 26, 2011

Charity boxes...

The storage room is too small for such love. Boxes, Bags, big, small, old and new, you can find everything. From needed things to "not so interesting" objects, the container arrived after a long journey through the sea.

Storage room

This is the result of the love from portuguese people, always ready to help when is needed, no matter how far are those who need. But it takes a lot of work before these gifts reached their final destination.

Boxes and boxes

It took about 1 month for the container to arrive  in Mozambique.

After all the paperwork, custom clearance and many stamps, we need to take everything out of the container and give it back after 3 hours, empty.

As we don't have any place to store it, we depend on friends and volunteers to give us some space on their private homes.

After this, we need to open each box and see what is inside.

Opening and organizing by age size
This is the longest phase! Organize everything making sure it's clean and in "good" conditions!

Selection by age an gender

Whoever needs can take it home...
Now that everything is selected and organized by gender, size or age, we need to store it again using shelfs to make it easier to find what we need.

Then, what? 

Here in Mozambique, everything is needed, always. So, it's just a matter of dividing it by groups, like orphanages, schools or other missions. In special ocasions, like Christmas, each patient at the Cancer Ward in the Hospital will receive a give, as all those we see in need. everyday is a day to give.

From the other side of the world to this beautiful city of Maputo, love is received and love is gived away to others. Thank you for your generosity.
Adapted from Vivências Contadas 

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